Sunday 4 November 2007

Sunday is for fun

Firstly: This is all a bit so you will all have to bear with me.. Secondly: I have only a vague command of English Grammar, so please accept this prior to reading further. Thirdly - I have absolutely 100% certainty that no-one wil read this, so if you do, let me know as then I shall know that it is not just for my benefit. Finally - this blog is about the things that make my little life go along so it could seem a little dull for the casual observer. OK that lot out of the way...

What am I reading?
At work I am slowly working my way through "The confusion", the 2nd book in Neal Stephensons Baroque cycle. Although it is excellent, there are long detailed passages surrounding the political and financial complications of the plot. This slows the narrative substantially but does give a great deal of depth. It would seem that the book is actually a "confusion" of 2 books Juncto and Bonanza, and as the timeframe for both is concurrent, the books are broken down into several sections and presented in a series of parts. However by the time I have finished a chapter, I have forgotten which year we were in so I have to refer back to make sure I can make sense of the interposition. All that said, at 10 pages a day, an 800 page book is taking some time...

At home I am reading "Dying to Sin" by Stephen Booth. I have read all Stephens previous books and this one seems quite lacklustre in comaprison. The plot is quite interesting but the whole progress is quite slow and despite having read nearly a third of the book I couldnt give a stuff about the characters or what happens. I will finish it and will keep this blog updated on progress.

Also I am reading "Animal Theology" by Andrew Linzey. This is a remarakble text in that it focuses on Christianity as it relates to our treatment of animals. Professor Linzey has an holistic approach to creation and this runs counter to a great deal of thinking on the subject. I am not a vegan yet but then again I havent yet read that chapter.

I also have a bookmark in "Shelter medicine for Veterinarians and Support Staff" edited by Lila Miller and Stephen Zawistowski. This is an excellent reference for any vet involved in shelter work. I had a great chat with Lila Miller at a recent conference and her book will prove very useful to the work I do.

Today I attended church and even hosted the visiting minister for lunch afterwards. This afternoon I took a walk out along the beach with said minister to get some fresh air and discuss the matters of the day and various god related issues.

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