Friday 9 November 2007

Friday - end of firework season

Tis approaching the end of the firework season and soon I will be able to stop prescribing vast amounts of diazepam to calm the nerves of the nations neurotic pets. This will be a great step forward and we can return to normality for the next 11months.

The whole firework thing is great BUT... can we limit it to one weekend? It merely seems to be an excuse for antisocial behaviour and there are vast numbers of pets which are obviously considerably affected by the noise. Year on year we aim to help earlier but most owners seem content to leave it til the last minute. If they took earlier action perhaps we could improve the whole situation further. Come on pet owning public sort it out next month! Get a sound training CD from your vet ASAP and by next season things will be much better.

Anyway .. Books - nearly finished the Stephen Booth - not too bad... plot improved with further reading. A bit of old tradition mixed with newer drugs related issues has made for a reasonable book but I don't find constable Cooper as engaging as perhaps I should.

Bought biscuits for the nurses - they liked them.
Ate a white-chocolate fudge cake with my afternoon cappucino - those kilos will never go!
Off on christmas present hunt tomorrow..

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