Sunday 25 May 2008

Ho Ho, on top of this now!

24th May

Still on call L. Doing well on the cake front J. I haven’t had my usual cake and cappuccino for nearly a week and I estimate that over a year this will save me having to burn a whopping 144,000 calories! Perhaps this will be the final bit of work to get rid of the remaining few kilos to get my weight below 70kg.

My ankle is giving me a bit of trouble after an 11mile run yesterday. I am going to stop running for a few weeks and concentrate on rowing / Xtrainer / summit trainer and move back to running once it has settled completely.

We tidied up the garden this afternoon. Looks a bit nicer now and we have potted up some annuals to give a bit of colour for the summer. I must summon the enthusiasm to oil the garden furniture as I am not sure I managed to do that last year.

I’m intrigued. I’m intrigued regarding the possibilities of the power of forgiveness in the context of a justice system. Could it really be that the power to forgive could actually have an impact on the likelihood of re-offending? The figures certainly seem to suggest that this could be the case. If we based a society on love and forgiveness could we do away with the damaging retribution that we seem to seek all the time? Retribution is damaging to both sides. It damages the offender by causing a form of harm and it damages the victim by creating a sore in their heart which never seems to heal. You have to wonder at the very real possibilities of more forgiveness. If the whole of the Christian faith can be summed up in the command “Love thy neighbour as thyself” – (think about this; it all falls into place), then how powerful could that love be and what kind of society could we then build. As we can only rebuild our society from the ground up, this could be a very good foundation stone.

Sun 25th May

Still on call but seems to be fairly sane currently. I finished the “Irresistible inheritance of Wilberforce” last night. An excellent read, but did leave me a touch puzzled in the end. I figure that it is all about friendship, relationships, loyalty and fidelity, but the point is expertly made by leafing backwards through the lead characters life, to look at the decisions he made which led to his position at the start of the book. If you want a neat end to a book, then this one is not for you.

Choice. I have been reminded yet again that we all make choices and that these choices have a major impact on everyone. I believe that we largely choose what we do and therefore what happens to us. I have had a week without cake and cappuccino now. That is a choice which I have made and I am hoping that it will have a positive effect. I heard somewhere that it takes 3 weeks to embed a habit so I have a bit of work to do yet.

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